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Blockbit Platform also has innovations for more application control and monitoring of different Internet links from a single device to maximize data security

Blockbit, a company specialized in the cybersecurity market, announces a new version of its platform, which now has advanced Data Loss Prevention features and support for multiple connection modules from a single device. Updates to Application Control are also being announced, as well as the integration of Safe Search as an additional layer of protection in the platform’s DNS Content Filtering. With the launch of the new version of the Blockbit Platform, the company brings to the corporate market even more robust and automated features, which add practicality to the cybersecurity of companies of all sectors and sizes so that they have more reliability in protecting their business data and systems, both in local networks and in the Cloud.

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“In a world where cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, evolution is imperative. We are announcing new features in our cybersecurity platform to further strengthen our ability to protect our customers’ most critical assets so they can focus on their operations safely,” said Lucas Pereira, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Blockbit.
One of the highlights of the platform is the new Data Loss Prevention feature, which seeks to prevent the undue exposure of confidential employee information and critical business data, including supporting organizations in complying with regulations, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Data Loss Prevention enables organizations to maintain compliance with their data policies without impeding employee productivity. From this functionality, an automatic analysis is carried out of the information that employees seek to share by email or in other ways, blocking the sending when any data that cannot be transmitted is identified, such as CPF, credit card number or RG, among others. In this way, the platform prevents improper information from being sent outside the company.
Another novelty of the new platform is the possibility that, in a single implementation, several internet networks can be monitored at the same time with just one Next-Generation Firewall equipment. As of this update, all the features of Blockbit’s well-known Secure SD-WAN will work with support for two modems with 4G LTE connections. In this way, advanced security and centralized management of connections are extended in the enterprise.

The Blockbit Platform also brings a new layer of security to its DNS Content Filtering, used to filter access to websites on the Internet, with the integration of Safe Search. With this initiative, it is no longer necessary to individually configure each user’s device to ensure cyber defense during Internet information searches.

“Blockbit’s Safe Search performs real-time verification of searches made from devices, aligning them with the settings predetermined by the customer. This allows for an immediate blocking of inappropriate websites that may appear as results in search engines,” says the executive. According to him, Blockbit’s solution is able to prevent access to explicit or malicious results, mitigating cyber risks and improper connections from the corporate network. “This feature is especially important for public agencies and schools, for example, which are very concerned about filtering out inappropriate content. It is also relevant for high-performance public networks, such as Wi-Fi at airports, which are used by thousands of people, with no control over who exactly is connected to them.”

To streamline the configuration and application of intrusion prevention filters in organizations, Blockbit has incorporated the Smart IPS feature into its platform. Blockbit already classified threats into three risk levels – high, medium and low – in its database so that companies could select which ones should be monitored in their operations. With the novelty, whenever a new risk is identified and categorized by Blockbit, companies that have chosen to monitor the respective risk level will receive immediate protection against this threat, without the need for any manual adjustments to the platform.
With the increasing use of specific applications by enterprises, Blockbit also announces a new facility implemented in its Application Control feature. Now, instead of relying exclusively on the direct intervention of the Blockbit team to configure the release or blocking of applications, the IT sector of companies will have autonomy to carry out this task. This update aims to streamline and streamline the process, allowing for more effective supervision and more precise control over the users and applications that each one needs to use.

Blockbit has also made updates to multi-factor verification to access company networks and is making Single Sign-On (SSO) available for Linux OS as well. Blockbit Agent SSO is an authentication solution that allows a user to log in once to connect to multiple systems or services, rather than having to log in separately to each one.

By: Lucas Pereira, CTO of Blockbit, for the Channel 360 portal.

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