Launch of Blockbit Forum
Blockbit is pleased to announce the launch of the Blockbit Forum, an innovation aimed at revolutionizing the way we approach cybersecurity. In this digital space, IT professionals, security enthusiasts, and general users can connect to explore, learn, and share...
New times require investing more in cybersecurity professionals
What will be your company’s main technology challenge in the next ten years? Going to the point, it would be no exaggeration to say that it will be information security. The explanation is quite simple: as businesses move on their journeys towards digital...
The new digital security challenges of delivery
It may seem like an exaggeration to think so, but digital security will be a priority item for people and companies. Have you ever thought about how a restaurant delivery service can impact your privacy? Know, then, that the security of personal data will increasingly...
You need centralized security management
Thousands of devices and applications used by corporate users generate an endless amount of data. However, mountains of data do not always provide valuable information. If you want to take the best from data, it is necessary to know what are your looking for. What...